Sunday, February 3, 2019

3 space conspiracy theories

3 space conspiracy theories

3 space conspiracy theories -  the space is one of the the things that humans always have been fascinated about because space is a  place full of wonders, mysteries and even sometimes fear. Have we human beings really achieved all of the things that space agencies and government claims, and are we being lied to with cover ups of fake proofs?  and these are just fake claims. But when we hear something like space conspiracy it intrest us a lot. So here are the 3 space conspiracy theories.

3 space conspiracy theories

3) Apollo aliens - The Apollo space program was ran from 1960 until the final mission Apollo 17, ended in December 19th, 1972. Afterwards, manned missions to the moon has came to an end. Because America had critically won the Space Race and cold war against the Soviet Union and that it was unreasonably expensive and that the public of United states won't  be interested in going to the moon. Some people think the the Apollo 17 mission was the final manned mission to moon because we had done seriously something wrong with nature because of being out there, something that threatened us to never go back to the moon. Their were various conspiracy theories about it. But the most creepiest theory was that their is something mysterious on moon such as aliens or any natural energy which warned us to never go back there.

3 space conspiracy theories
2) ancient Mars civilizations - Most of the conspiracy theories regarding Mars claims that there was once an intelligent civilization on mars and for some reason it got disappeared. Richard Hoagland is the most famous pleader of this conspiracy theory, Richard hoagland claims that their was an inteligent civilization on the mars and martian surface give significance of an alien species which once lived on the mars. These include photographs as a proof for their theory from both orbiting satellites and Mars landers . Hoagland and others claim that they have found images of Martian pyramids, monoliths, and even statues. They even claims the the significance of Martin civilization is being hidden from the people's due to some mysterious reasons. Does an ancient civilization once exist on the mars ? And if they did vanished, what could it mean. Are human beings are originated from an ancient civilization which once lived on mars.

3 space conspiracy theories
1) Stanley Kubrick and the moon landings - One of the creepiest and strangest space conspiracy theory is that the moon landing was faked by the film director Stanley Kubrick. Because, Kubrick impressed NASA with his 1968 film which was "2001: A Space Odyssey". Then NASA asked Kubrick to set a similar stage for realistic looking space photography to influence the American public that the Apollo astronauts had reached the moon. There are many strange images that are included in Kubrick's another film which was released in 1980, For example the character, Danny, wears a sweater displaying the Apollo rocket and the room 237 is said to represent the moon's distance from Earth, 237,000 miles. Could these conspiracy theories be true? Did we, in fact, land on the moon or  American government and NASA lied to us for some unknown reason?

These was one of The most creepiest space conspiracy theories ever. If you like the article please share this with your friends and family and if you are intrested in this type of content please do subscribe to our newsletter its absolutely free.

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